Build Positive Attitudes During Testing Season

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Testing season can be a time of stress in schools for students and teachers. It can be hard to maintain an optimistic outlook. But we all know that positive attitudes have been shown to improve performance. How’s a school counselor to help? We can build positive attitudes during testing through some simple school-wide initiatives. With a little planning, we can improve student confidence and positively impact test scores. Check out what The Counseling Teacher Brandy and Mrs. Bell The Crafty Counselor do at their schools.

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Boost Staff Morale

Positivity starts with the teachers and trickles down to the students.  We use humor and treats in the teachers’ lounge to keep the morale up during the stressful testing season. From donuts to a coffee bar, little things go a long way. I print out motivational and humorous signs to place in the teacher workroom, lounge, and restrooms.  

We call it “Blinging the Lounge.

– The Counseling Teacher Brandy

bling the teacher lounge


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Boost Student Morale

Mrs. Bell The Crafty CounselorWe do all we can to build our students up and make them feel like they can do anything. On test days, we have dads and volunteers from the college come and line our parent drop off area, offering high fives and words of encouragement as kids enter the building.

Parent write notes of encouragement that we give kids before the test so they have a positive mindset.

We do guidance lessons to teach strategies for how to remain calm and stay positive during test times.

We also have a “rock the test” parade where the other kids walk the school while the younger kids clap and cheer them on with noisemakers and supportive posters.  

– Mrs. Bell The Crafty Counselor


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More Posts for Helping During Testing Season: 

positive attitudes during testing

Confident Counselors

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