A day in the life of a school counselor is never easy. We never know what’s going to come our
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If you have space, a calm corner is a great addition to your counseling office. It provides a safe place where students
Time to stock your counseling office (or classroom or closet) with some tried and true school counseling supplies. Most of these suggestions
I admit I have always had a thing for rocks. I have collected my share over the years, and each time I
Real tips from REal Counselors
Counselor Chats
Counselor Chats
Organization Tips for a Testing Coordinator
It’s important to be organized as a testing coordinator. When I was a high school counselor, I was in charge of AP testing, PSATs and PLAN tests and I also was a testing coordinator for ACTs. Now, I coordinate our State ELA and Math testing. I found the best way was to keep all files
Finding school counselor professional development can be incredibly challenging. Often our districts are thinking about teachers primarily, and we are on our
Part of tiered school counseling services are school counseling referrals from teachers. Getting teachers to make referrals can be a challenge. You
The end of the school year is approaching. Give your future self a gift by doing some prep work as the year
Counseling Activities with Everyday items
5 School Counseling Activities Using Pillboxes
Target’s Bullseye’s Playground (did you know that’s the real name for what we all call the “dollar spot”??) is great, but I’ve also been loving some finds at the dollar store. On one of my recent trips, my eye was drawn to the pillboxes. I had no plan in mind but just knew I could think of
Let’s face it, kids are used to having worksheets and templates and preprinted note pages, but sometimes I don't have time to gather those fancy materials. In my office, I ...
Students light up the moment Play Doh appears in any school setting, and school counseling is no exception. Play Doh is not only a great sensory tool that puts students ...
Halloween is coming! Which at my house means there is a lot of excess candy lying around that I can’t (shouldn’t) eat all by myself. If only I had access ...
Management, Lessons, consultation
In the Classroom
Can't Counsel Without, Class Lessons, Counseling
12 Books to Help Kids Overcome Test Anxiety
Do you know a child that underperforms on tests no matter how much they study and prepare? Do they struggle to concentrate during exams because they are preoccupied with thoughts of failing? Do they find
Mindfulness with middle schoolers: a piece of cake or labor of love? I’ve had loads of fun teaching mindfulness to elementary-aged students, but when I first threw out the idea ...
Testing season can be the cause of anxiety and frustration for students and teachers alike. As school counselors, we have the unique ability to help prepare our students for test ...
Social emotional learning in academic instruction is having its moment. While counselors have been supporting the whole child and taking a deep look at noncognitive skills, the bandwagon has now ...