As a school counselor or other mental health provider in a school, you rarely have the resources to see students
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Although our work as school counselors can be very rewarding, it can also be frustrating! One of the things I have always
Time to stock your counseling office (or classroom or closet) with some tried and true school counseling supplies. Most of these suggestions
One box I can always count on being checked on the needs assessment is ☑WORRY. Our students are coming to school with
Real tips from REal Counselors
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Counselor Chats
Spice Up Your Classroom Guidance Lessons
Classroom guidance lessons can be tricky. You are not in each classroom frequently enough to develop consistent routines, every classroom has their own dynamic, and your lessons might be, well a bit boring. Check out tips from four Confident Counselors about how they spice up their classroom guidance lessons.Get Them MovingTo spice up classroom guidance
Small group counseling is an essential part of a school counselor's role, and boy is it tough. Facilitating useful small groups goes
Presenting guidance data is a great way to help your school understand what your program does, the impact you have had, and
How Do You Handle a Phone Call from an Angry Parent?It may be one of the worst parts of the job and
Counseling Activities with Everyday items
5 School Counseling Activities Using Index Cards
We at Confident Counselors are a thrifty bunch and love nothing better than to find new counseling activities that incorporate items we already have on hand. Last time I wrote about 5 Ways to Use Toilet Paper Tubes; this time I’m going to share ideas for using something you almost definitely have in your desk
If you're like me, you saw the gratitude tree in the Target dollar spot and grabbed it for a fun fall activity! But now that fall is over, are you ...
Creating hands-on counseling lessons can be easy and inexpensive. You can often find inspiration by looking through your junk drawers or craft boxes! String is one craft supply that many people ...
At Confident Counselors, we love using materials we have at school or home for school counseling crafts. We've used coffee filters and tissue boxes, and now we've found what to do with those ...
Management, Lessons, consultation
In the Classroom
Ditch the Desks: Get Your Students Up and Moving in Your Counseling Lessons
If you find yourself reaching for worksheets for classroom guidance lessons and you’re noticing that students are lacking interest or engagement, it’s time to ditch the desks! Getting your students moving to learn and practice
We asked Stephanie of School Counselor Stephanie and Brandy of The Counseling Teacher to share how they introduce the school counselor's role each year. Stephanie discusses how she communicates with ...
Cultivating healthy friendships amongst students is crucial for a positive learning environment. When students know the difference between healthy and unhealthy behaviors, they are able to modify their behavior. Encourage ...
As school counselors, it’s easy to talk to students about things that are bugging them, help with problems they are having, and be their champion when they need one. It’s ...