School Counselor Summer To-Do List

What's on your school counselor summer to-do list? I always have to take a step back when my list gets to be a mile long and really focus my attention on my top two or three. Then again, these ideas from five Confident Counselors have me adding some on to that list. 😉

Organizing School Counseling Centers

My summer to-do list involves lots of fun, a bit of learning, and some organizing. I am looking forward to spending quality time with my family and trying a few new things myself in an effort to engage in more intentional, quality self care. I am also planning on reading some professional development and personal growth books with other school counselors. Lastly, I’ll be spending some time organizing, laminating, and storing the many, many things I printed for school counseling centers over the last few months!

>> Keri from Counselor Keri


Taking Advantage of the Time

Summer for me is all about balance! I love to take advantage of the time off and the nice weather, while also taking advantage of the time I have to plan and prepare for the back to school season! I will be taking a few vacations and hopefully spending a lot of outside time with my daughter and husband! I also plan on reading a few books that have been on my list for a long time, and making sure I have everything ready to make this back to school season the best one yet! Summer for me is such a great time to learn about new topics and ideas and spend time doing the things that I don’t have as much time for during the school year!

>> Chelsey from CounselorChelsey


Small Groups & Program Management Agreement

My summer time is a blend of playing with my own two kids and time preparing for the new school year. This summer I’m focusing on prepping for small groups that I anticipate running. Those are often the last thing I have time to plan for once the school year has started and it feels awesome to have them prepped ahead of time. My school is formally rolling out MTSS for behavior so I anticipate getting to run even more this coming year. I will also be working this summer on our  program management agreement to help me start the year strong (I wrote a little bit more about why I think these are so important here). I have the opportunity of being the first school counselor in a brand new building and I’m excited to build an amazing program!


Family Self Care to Recharge

I like to focus on self-care for the entire family during the summer. It’s a time to catch up on any wellness check-ups, dental cleanings, and any other things that may have been neglected during the school year. I plan out healthy meals that I don’t have as much time to create during the school year. We take a family trip every year for a week of relaxation. The best part is choosing where to go and taking a family vote. Summer needs to be a time to recharge and take care of yourself so that you don’t burn out during the school year. 


June is Self Care, July is Prep Time

My summer to do list includes lots of self care and family time. I prefer to spend the entire month of June focusing solely on my family, friends and getting done all of the personal things I have been putting off during the school year. Once I am relaxed and recharged, I take July to start planning for the upcoming school year. I like to plan out at least the first quarter of the year and get myself prepared to go back to work. While I like to plan for school in July, I also like to get back to my school routine so that it isn't a shock to my senses when I have to go back. I make sure I wake up early, get to the gym, and healthy meal preps.

Summer is the perfect time to prep for the Fall, take care of your physical and mental health, and slow down a bit. We hope you have a restful and productive summer and that school counselor to-do list is short.

What's on your to do list? Travel plans, prep work, professional development?

​10 MORE tips to prepare for the school year this summer. 

school counselor summer to do list

School Counselor Summer To Do Lists

Confident Counselors

Ideas to help you become a confident counselor.


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