A Collaborative Community Filled with Ideas, Support, and Inspiration.

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by EduKate & Inspire

Free Virtual Counseling Games and Tools

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to counselors searching for free games and tools for virtual counseling sessions. Although the pandemic

Carol Miller Counseling Essentials

I admit I have always had a thing for rocks. I have collected my share over the years, and each time I

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Confident Counselors

Time to stock your counseling office (or classroom or closet) with some tried and true school counseling supplies. Most of these suggestions

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Nicole Batiste

If you’re like me, you have a diverse caseload of kids that learn the social-emotional skills we want to teach them in

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Real tips from REal Counselors

Counselor Chats

Counselor Chats

What is Your Go To Self Care Activity?

You know you should be incorporating self-care. You know you can’t pour from an empty cup. Sometimes it just takes hearing from others who get it. So Confident Counselors, what is your go to self care activity? [su_divider top=”no” style=”double” divider_color=”#af1c1c” link_color=”#000000″] [su_divider top=”no” style=”dashed” divider_color=”#af1c1c” link_color=”#000000″][/su_divider] My two favorite self care activities are baking and

Positive thinking can be the difference between a student persisting with a challenging activity and stopping too soon. As counselors, we can

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Bullying is something school counselors address in whole class lessons, small groups, individual counseling, and in quick emergency sessions. It is helpful

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It’s important to be organized as a testing coordinator. When I was a high school counselor, I was in charge of AP

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Counseling Activities with Everyday items

5 School Counseling Activities Using Index Cards

Laurie P Mendoza

  We at Confident Counselors are a thrifty bunch and love nothing better than to find new counseling activities that incorporate items we already have on hand. Last time I wrote about 5 Ways to Use Toilet Paper Tubes; this time I’m going to share ideas for using something you almost definitely have in your desk

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Let’s face it, kids are used to having worksheets and templates and preprinted note pages, but sometimes I don't have time to gather those fancy materials. In my office, I ...

Creating hands-on counseling lessons can be easy and inexpensive. You can often find inspiration by looking through your junk drawers or craft boxes! String is one craft supply that many people ...

 At Confident Counselors, we love using materials we have at school or home for school counseling crafts. We've used coffee filters and tissue boxes, and now we've found what to do with those ...

Management, Lessons, consultation

In the Classroom

Class Lessons, Group Counseling

How Centers Can Transform Your Classroom Guidance Lessons

Counselor Keri

I don’t know about you, but my counseling grad program didn’t spend a lot of time focusing on whole classroom instruction. I was ready for individual counseling. I was sooo ready for group counseling. But

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Resilience is one of my favorite topics to teach and one of my favorite small groups to run. I always include goal setting, identifying problems, coping skills, healthy habits, and ...

No matter what your school looks like, chances are you’re helping students to effectively and peacefully manage conflict. We are all human and conflict is a part of our lives! ...

Classroom guidance lessons can be tricky. You are not in each classroom frequently enough to develop consistent routines, every classroom has their own dynamic, and your lessons might be, well ...

Confident Counselors

School counselors, social workers, and psychologists sharing their ideas and expertise.
