Conversations: How do you use goal setting in counseling?

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It is important that students make social-emotional progress and our lessons and counseling sessions are supposed to help them get there. Without clear goals, it can be difficult to tell if that is happening. Brandy and Rebecca use student-friendly materials and approach goal setting in a direct manner. The new year is a great time to reset the clock and incorporate goal setting at any age level.


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Middle School: Bring on the SMART Goals

In January, I teach an hour lesson on SMART goals with my middle school students. For students who already have a goal, the SMART goal format helps them fine-tune and create specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely goals. They also see the benefits of having long and short-term goals to stay on track for a successful future.

I start with this quote from Terence McKenna, “If you don’t have a plan, you become part of somebody else’s plan.” They create a SMART Goals Flipbook that they can take home as a reminder of our lesson.

Counseling Teacher Brandy

SMART Goals flip book to help students set goals that will work.

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Elementary: Step by Step

Counselor UpI love to help students set a Goal Like a Pro through the character trait of Self Discipline. We stairstep up in our understanding of goals at a developmental level.

In K-1, students learn what a goal is and how to create a concrete goal.

Students in 2-3 identify the steps to reach a larger goal to practice breaking down a goal to achievable action steps.

In grades 4-5, Students learn about SMART goals and extend the concept of action steps.

I have learned through the years that students in elementary do not know how to set goals and it can make a huge difference in their growth mindset!

– Rebecca from CounselorUp

Other Posts on Goal Setting

Why You Should Be Using SMART Goals in Counseling

Tips for Setting Goals with Students


Confident Counselors

Ideas to help you become a confident counselor.


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