A day in the life of a school counselor is never easy. We never know what’s going to come our
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If you’re like me, you have a diverse caseload of kids that learn the social-emotional skills we want to teach them in
Empower students to escape negative thinking traps by guiding them to reframe negative thoughts. Once students identify these cognitive distortions, real change
I admit I have always had a thing for rocks. I have collected my share over the years, and each time I
Real tips from REal Counselors
Counselor Chats
Counselor Chats
Planning a Successful End of the Year
The end of the school year is approaching. Give your future self a gift by doing some prep work as the year comes to a close. These Confident Counselors are sure to tie up loose ends and so some smart prep to walk in ready the first day. What do you as you end the
Working with a co-counselor can be such a wonderful part of our jobs. We have someone who understands the ups and downs
School counselors serve as experts on school-wide approaches to prevent bullying and encourage a positive school climate. Check out how some Confident Counselors
Every year there are a handful of students who are new to your school. Depending on your community, it might be more
Counseling Activities with Everyday items
5 School Counseling Activities Using Candy
Halloween is coming! Which at my house means there is a lot of excess candy lying around that I can’t (shouldn’t) eat all by myself. If only I had access to a school full of kids who would love to help me eat it … Oh, wait. I do. While I don’t usually love pumping
Inspired by reading Counselor Keri’s “Five Ways To Use Coffee Filters In School Counseling,” I excitedly went through my resources and office supplies to create and share 5 ways counselors ...
Following the positive response of “Five Ways To Use Tissue Boxes in Counseling,” I wanted to share additional ways I use crafts in my therapy practice. Because brown lunch bags ...
At Confident Counselors, we love using materials we have at school or home for school counseling crafts. We've used coffee filters and tissue boxes, and now we've found what to do with those ...
Management, Lessons, consultation
In the Classroom
15 Strategies to Help Kids Deal with Stress
During the second quarter of the school year, I started talking to my seventh graders about stress. We did a simple self-assessment and nearly all of my students were reporting high levels of stress about
Classroom guidance lessons can be tricky. You are not in each classroom frequently enough to develop consistent routines, every classroom has their own dynamic, and your lessons might be, well ...
A couple of years ago, during a lesson, one of my students said, "Not to be racist, but she was white." It wasn't the first time a student had mistakenly ...
Part of tiered school counseling services are school counseling referrals from teachers. Getting teachers to make referrals can be a challenge. You can also have teachers who refer way more ...