Articles from Keri
We’ve all been thrust into a world of distance learning, and while the tech realm can feel like an overwhelming ...
Being a school counselor is a difficult job. It takes it up ten notches when you have to cover multiple ...
High stakes state testing can generate a lot of anxiety for students and adults alike. Counselors are uniquely prepared to ...
Classroom guidance lessons can be tricky. You are not in each classroom frequently enough to develop consistent routines, every classroom ...
How do you introduce and explore careers with students? Do you have some favorite career development resources you use every ...
Self regulation is a key skill for students (and adults). As school counselors, we have a great opportunity to target ...
Student clubs can be an excellent way to connect with students, expand your school counseling program, and address a school ...
When school counselors start the year, a lot of misconceptions can exist about their role. Our role has evolved greatly ...
Summer is the perfect time to get in the reading you have been meaning to do all year. What's on ...
Are you looking forward to being a first year counselor? Or maybe you’re reflecting on what your beautiful, chaotic first ...
What's on your school counselor summer to-do list? I always have to take a step back when my list gets ...
What is your favorite school counseling anxiety resource? Testing season aside, students are experiencing record rates of anxiety. School counselors ...
Finding school counselor professional development can be incredibly challenging. Often our districts are thinking about teachers primarily, and we are ...
Incorporating technology in school counseling can really engage students, but sometimes it can be hard to figure out how to ...
You know you should be incorporating self-care. You know you can't pour from an empty cup. Sometimes it just takes ...
How Do You Handle a Phone Call from an Angry Parent?It may be one of the worst parts of the ...
Teacher Counselor RelationshipsHave you had a relationship with a teacher that did not get off on the right foot? A ...
Do you have something in your office you can't live without? I don't mean the drawer of candy. I mean ...
Summer is finally here and we all have time to breathe and decompress from another whirlwind year of advocating and ...
We all want to say that we are great at what we do. I believe we all do our ...
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Ready to print counseling and social emotional learning resources for K-8.