Coming back to school after winter break can be difficult. The 2020 school year will be no different with its plethora of unique circumstances. Students and families across the country

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Self-care for school counselors is an important aspect of your routine as a helping professional. Holding yourself accountable is key to building the resiliency you need to care for others.

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Being a school counselor is a difficult job. Add in being split between different buildings and we really will need that fairy dust everyone thinks we have. It takes some

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Winter break is a great time to recharge and do some purposeful self-care. Taking this time can help you shift your mindset for the second half of the year. Most

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We talk about self-care and work-life balance a lot on Confident Counselors, and for good reason. This is a tough job that comes with a lot of rewards. BUT if

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You know you should be incorporating self-care. You know you can’t pour from an empty cup. Sometimes it just takes hearing from others who get it. So Confident Counselors, what

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Dear Diary, In honor of Thanksgiving, I am going to be writing a gratitude journal. I am so thankful for today, especially the coffee that I spilled, the milk that

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It is no secret that school counselors wear A LOT of hats throughout the school year. We are stretched in many different directions and can be left feeling “spent” by

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