One box I can always count on being checked on the needs assessment is ☑WORRY. Our students are coming to
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Although our work as school counselors can be very rewarding, it can also be frustrating! One of the things I have always
A day in the life of a school counselor is never easy. We never know what’s going to come our way, and
Empower students to escape negative thinking traps by guiding them to reframe negative thoughts. Once students identify these cognitive distortions, real change
Real tips from REal Counselors
Counselor Chats
Counselor Chats
Responding to Bullying: Tips and Resources for School Counselors
Every day school counselors are dealing with potential bullying incidents, as well as behaviors that are misidentified as bullying. Check out how these Confident Counselors address bullying and our favorite resources. “When a student is referred for bullying behavior, work with them to make a solution-focused goal and then check in with them weekly to
In a perfect non-counseling duties would not be part of our schedule. There can be an upside to tasks that do not
Managing behavior referrals often fall under the realm of school counseling. However, most school counseling programs have few, if any, behavior management
Counselors who plan and stay organized found the key to being a counselor who looks and feels confident. I always love hearing
Counseling Activities with Everyday items
5 School Counseling Activities Using a Gratitude Tree
If you’re like me, you saw the gratitude tree in the Target dollar spot and grabbed it for a fun fall activity! But now that fall is over, are you wondering what to do with that gratitude tree for the rest of the year? I was too! To stretch out the lifetime of your tree
I admit I have always had a thing for rocks. I have collected my share over the years, and each time I go someplace new, I look for one to ...
Following the positive response of “Five Ways To Use Tissue Boxes in Counseling,” I wanted to share additional ways I use crafts in my therapy practice. Because brown lunch bags ...
Halloween is coming! Which at my house means there is a lot of excess candy lying around that I can’t (shouldn’t) eat all by myself. If only I had access ...
Management, Lessons, consultation
In the Classroom
Class Lessons, Collaboration, Counselor Chats
Test Anxiety: Activities and Ideas That Help
High stakes state testing can generate a lot of anxiety for students and adults alike. Counselors are uniquely prepared to support students so they have the strategies to manage this anxiety and do the best
Bullying is something school counselors address in whole class lessons, small groups, individual counseling, and in quick emergency sessions. It is helpful to have books and resources for bullying prevention ...
As school counselors, it’s easy to talk to students about things that are bugging them, help with problems they are having, and be their champion when they need one. It’s ...
A couple of years ago, during a lesson, one of my students said, "Not to be racist, but she was white." It wasn't the first time a student had mistakenly ...