I love seeing creative, engaging, and interactive school counseling bulletin boards. There are so many great ideas. Check out some Confident Counselors favorites and share your favorite school counseling bulletin boards on Instagram using the hashtag #confidentcounselorsbulletinboards.
Interactive and All Year
I think the best bulletin boards are the ones you can leave up all year or the ones that are interactive! One type of interactive bulletin board involves the students guessing or matching (Which celebrity went to which college? Which tools go with which careers?). Another is to have removable pieces for students or classes to take as they pass - like acts of kindness to perform or mindfulness “challenges”.
A school counseling word wall is one you can keep All. Year. Long. Same with this “BE” bulletin board about different character or leadership traits. Positive conflict resolution is typically a yearlong issue, so a bulletin board with the different strategies you teach the students is a great reminder.
Individual Counseling Boards
The one school counseling bulletin board I will always have in my office are the “My Achievement Plan” visuals. I used Glasser’s Control theory to walk students through creating a plan for their success. The board included the five wants, what they are currently doing, how hard they’re willing to work, and creating their plan. I haven’t always had enough space for a real bulletin board but I’ve never gone without this on display.
Eventually, I wised up and created a note taking sheet to go along with the plan so students can keep track of what they’ve decided to do. You can see the bulletin board in my post about Counseling Theories for Difficult Students.
Career Bulletin Board
I am at the elementary level. One topic I do not always touch on as much as I would like to is career development and readiness. I slide it into my program where I can, but with all the other demands of our job, career readiness sometimes takes a back burner.
One really fun way to incorporate it into my program is with a career countdown bulletin board! I take the top twelve careers for the year and reveal them one at a time, week by week. Students really look forward to the end of the week where they can find out what the next top career is. It is awesome to see kids huddled around the board each week talking about the different careers and scheming ways they could one day find themselves in that profession. It also allows for great conversation starters as the kids always ask questions about careers they have never heard of and what it takes to reach various educational levels.
What school counseling bulletin boards do you put up? Share below!
Check out our 10 Tips for Organizing Your School Counseling Space.
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A collaborative blog written for school counselors by school counselors.