Winter break is a great time to recharge and do some purposeful self-care. Taking this time can help you shift your mindset for the second half of the year. Most of use have been putting off this necessary self-care and running on fumes. Read what Ashley and Brandy do, and share your favorites in the comments or on social media.
Slow Down
I love Winter Break because I have time to catch up on life and can slow down a bit. I can focus on taking care of myself and my family. My favorite self-care activities are watching Christmas movies, going for walks in the park with my son and taking advantage of living in Florida with naps on the beach. I catch up on any projects I want to complete and take the time to create my family’s yearly photo album. I like to enjoy the calm; I try to take advantage of each moment, without feeling the need to rush to the next event.
Family, Self, and School
Winter break is a time to recover from the first semester and recharge for the last half of the year. Put school stuff away and focus on reconnecting with the people you call your family. I enjoy finding old family recipes, asking older family members about traditions that I may not know about, turning on holiday music, and decorating the house for winter visitors.
It’s also good to schedule alone time. My favorite ways to do this are to get a full body massage and have a spa day. It’s the little things that will give you the mental and physical boost to end the year with a bang.
When you return to school or just before you leave, create a self care culture for your staff. Find coupons for health spas and services that your teachers would enjoy.
Post signs in the lounge and encourage time for self. Check out these free signs for the lounge.
What are you doing this winter break for self-care?
Check out these tips from Rebecca, Counselor Up.